
Biesse 在 Ligna 展会,自1969年开始的材料应用专家
展会&活动 2023年5月16日
Biesse 在 Ligna 展会,自1969年开始的材料应用专家
2023 年 5 月 15 日至 19 日,全球木工技术盛会 LIGNA 回归,Biesse 以全新面貌展示公司的进化之旅
LIGNA 2023:比雅斯的完美舞台
展会&活动 2023年2月16日
LIGNA 2023:比雅斯的完美舞台
Inside 2022 - 一个完整的体验,为客户量身定做。
展会&活动 2022年10月21日
Inside 2022 - 一个完整的体验,为客户量身定做。
展会&活动 2022年7月12日
Holz-Handwerk 2022 将持续到 7 月 15 日,这是再次亲自了解 Biesse 的技术解决方案并发现数字化的所有好处的首批机会之一。 作为制造业的国际参考点,展会已进入第二十个年头,为参观者提供了发现最新创新和市场趋势的机会。
Biesse技术亮相  2022年德国纽伦堡木工机械及材料展  带来工业4.0领域的工厂自动化方案
展会&活动 2022年5月17日
Biesse技术亮相 2022年德国纽伦堡木工机械及材料展 带来工业4.0领域的工厂自动化方案
 Inside Spring 2021, 一个非凡的版本,可以无界限地体验
展会&活动 2021年5月6日
Inside Spring 2021, 一个非凡的版本,可以无界限地体验
一个所有事业部都参与的全球盛会,一个结合真实与虚拟的非凡版本: Inside Spring 2021 即将到来,由 Biesse、Intermac 和 Diamut 主演的技术在一个内容丰富的全面活动中 不容错过。
Inside in Action: technology, on-life. Inside is going the extra mile, with real and digital
展会&活动 2020年10月22日
Inside in Action: technology, on-life. Inside is going the extra mile, with real and digital
Participation, innovation, interaction: INSIDE IN ACTION is an entirely new experience that stands out thanks to an exclusive on-life format with a triple structure – LIVE, NEXT and PLAY.
Execute your nesting with ultimate efficiency
聚焦点 2020年7月22日
Execute your nesting with ultimate efficiency
With B_NEST, a B_SUITE plugin, you can manage nesting algorithms for every type of production
Why upgrade to the Windows 10 operating system
聚焦点 2020年7月5日
Why upgrade to the Windows 10 operating system
Work in secure conditions, exploit new functions and boost machine performance.
Xylexpo 2020
展会&活动 2020年5月26日
Xylexpo 2020
For Biesse, Xylexpo 2020 (26-29 May) is an unmissable chance to present its most significant technological wood machining innovations, and let everyone know about the opportunities linked with the robotisation of productions processes.
Con SOPHIA, Biesse ti aiuta a ripartire al meglio.
合作伙伴 2020年4月29日
Con SOPHIA, Biesse ti aiuta a ripartire al meglio.
Siamo al tuo fianco per supportarti al meglio e in totale sicurezza. Per questo motivo, abbiamo pensato di riservare speciali vantaggi e premiare coloro che hanno attivato la piattaforma SOPHIA IoT, per consentirti di sfruttarla al massimo.
Biesse guarantees spare parts, services and the delivery of machines, despite a production slowdown for the good of the population
CORPORATE 2020年3月23日
Biesse guarantees spare parts, services and the delivery of machines, despite a production slowdown for the good of the population
Biesse has received the urgent national measures designed to contain COVID-19 and issued by the President of the Council on Sunday, 22 March, as well as similar laws adopted in countries where the group operates.
Read the press release
With us, the client inhales a sense of innovation.
合作伙伴 2019年12月4日
With us, the client inhales a sense of innovation.
This is the stage upon which contact between the key players - the customer and the machines - is established, as explained by Marco Toti, responsible for the Biesse showrooms in Pesaro.
Inside Biesse 2019:  41 technologies, 3 days and over 3,000 visitors are a testament to the international success of the Inside event
展会&活动 2019年10月8日
Inside Biesse 2019: 41 technologies, 3 days and over 3,000 visitors are a testament to the international success of the Inside event
Over 3.000 visitors were recorded as having attended the 2019 edition of Biesse's Inside, one of the main points of reference in the second half of the year in terms of events for the sector dedicated to machining wood and technological materials.
展会&活动 2019年10月2日
Ligna 2019上的比雅斯:50周年特别庆典。
合作伙伴 2019年6月6日
Ligna 2019上的比雅斯:50周年特别庆典。
Biesse at Ligna along with our Partners in Automaction, guiding the digital age.
展会&活动 2019年5月31日
Biesse at Ligna along with our Partners in Automaction, guiding the digital age.
At the LIGNA 2019 trade fair, Biesse is launching a partnership with four international brands recognised worldwide for their excellence in technology, innovation and digital competence.
B_CABINET FOUR and the fully digitalised processes for designing.
聚焦点 2019年5月30日
B_CABINET FOUR and the fully digitalised processes for designing.
Fully digitalised processes for designing, simulating and creating solutions without limits.
Biesse and Bacci Automation at LIGNA
聚焦点 2019年5月29日
Biesse and Bacci Automation at LIGNA
Biesse and Bacci Automation at LIGNA: a partnership to strengthen the understanding between man and robot
Biesse at Ligna
展会&活动 2019年5月27日
Biesse at Ligna
Biesse will be presenting the technological innovation which transforms factories into better places to work.
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